The bullet journal - A major key to my success....

Many moons ago, I worked in the financial services industry in the field of human resources. Ever since I was a little girl, I had always wanted to work in Corporate America. As an HR Business Partner, a significant part of my job was to take investigation notes on employee relations issues. I had several notebooks that I would use during the course of my workday. Inevitably when I was looking for the notebook I needed, I could never find it!!

Fast forward to my entrepreneurial career, when all of a sudden instead of wearing 4 hats, I was wearing 20!! I knew instantly that my past experience of having several notebooks as the basis of my planning system just wasn’t going to work. So, I did what any “at capacity” new entrepreneur does, I googled. I can’t remember exactly what I googled, but clearly it led me to the magnificent world of bullet journaling!!

My bullet journal has come to serve so many purposes for me. It houses so many things that I use to manage my life and businesses.  It serves as a tracking mechanism, gratitude log, budget monitoring, client intake, thought journal, goal setting space, positive affirmation collection, webinar notes, brain storming tool and last but not least my daily must do list.

I am so passionate about bullet journaling because more than all of the “data” it helps me capture. It has enabled me to develop positive habits and analyze where I’m missing the mark. It assists me in being very intentional about the life I’m leading and creating. My mission with everything I do is to leave the lives I touch better than I found them. Took me a minute to figure out that includes my life too!!

The Art of Getting Out of Your Own Way....