
Within a few minutes of me being honest with myself, Jamie was able to pinpoint exactly what I needed.

~ Sonia Butler

I want to open a non-profit, where do I start?

All of a sudden my energy was sapped and I needed help getting back on track.

I was led and inspired to start a non-profit business; I gathered all the required documents then found myself stuck between what to do next and am I truly ready for this venture. I met with Jamie, who saw my passion, and she was able to take my vision out of my head and off the pages of my notebooks and create a feasible action plan for getting it done. She scheduled sessions, created a project plan with milestones and guided me through the next steps of starting a business, specifically a nonprofit. Each session got me more excited and closer to realizing my vision, she held me accountable to deadlines and being who I am, I made sure I did not miss one milestone!  I received my 501c3 status, developed my business plan, created a SOP manual (a document I hadn’t even thought of) and a year later, my vision of a food pantry has become a reality! Andrews’ Angels In Mission, Inc. is open and has even partnered with the Atlanta Community Food Bank to feed anyone in need. I am grateful to Jamie not only for her ability to see my vision but for her expertise to propel me forward and live out my passion of helping others.

Thank you, Jamie! Yes, she really does coach and she coaches very well!— Karen Andrews

My initial consult call with Jamie was amazing! As a strong businesswoman, mom, wife, friend, sister and any other title that goes on my cap I was unsure of what I needed. I thought I was in need of assistance with goals, cleaning service or help focusing my efforts since I just changed direction with my Interior Design company. Within a few minutes of me being open and honest about myself, Jamie was able to pinpoint what I needed. I believe everything she said was FOR me not AT me. Her words made me sit down. I was standing during the call, she found a way to take control from someone who is used to being in control and got me to listen. Although the suggestions were simple and even some things I knew, speaking with her just allowed me to really dig deep and assess and pull from what she said to get what I needed.

I took into consideration what Jamie said and applied one thing and after applying it for 2 weeks it has made a big difference in my life. I feel like myself again actually a little better and my business is back on track. I think her service is meant for all. Sometimes people feel because it's something they know or because it's so easy they don't think it will work. I'm grateful that I took the time to put myself first and figure out what I needed. This investment in myself was well worth it as an entrepreneur I could not afford to be off for too long in my life. Thank you again Jamie! - Sonia Butler

Sed purus sem, scelerisque ac rhoncus eget, porttitor nec odio. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
— Pablo